
When your strategy is not adequately translated into the division of work, everyone loses. Teams because they can never do well by a lack of direction. Managers because they are caught between teams and strategic goals. CEOs because their mission has no chance of success.

Tangible goals
An idea is worth a dollar, and a plan is worth a million. Successful organizing starts with translating your long-term aspirations and fundamental company values into tangible goals. For every unit in your organization. After all, a strategy is only meaningful when every team and every employee clearly knows what their contribution is to the overall mission of the organization.

Difficult choices
Of course, you want to avoid unreasonable costs. Of course, you want to meet the needs of your customers. And it goes without saying that your products and services must be just as good - or even better - than the alternatives. But can you be the cheapest, the most customer-oriented, and the most innovative company at the same time? Is it really a sensible strategy to do everything for everyone at all times?

TORGO brings direction
To choose is to lose. And yet, in organizational strategy, you mainly lose when you don't choose. An effective strategy makes clear what you expect from your employees. But a strategy should also be clear on what is not worth the time and energy. TORGO operationalizes your strategy. We remove the blind spots, ambiguity and overlap from your units' strategic goals.

Focused dedication
Strategic tradeoffs: TORGO doesn't avoid them. It’s better to be aware than ignorant about trade-offs. An adequate strategy tells your employees and clients what deserves your time and attention. But also what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals. Exceptional performance comes from focused dedication. Expect from us a thorough clarification of your strategic focal points. And be prepared to take the consequences for your operating model. Sharper than before. Ready for the future.

Is a lack of tangible goals standing in the way of your strategy? 

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